Christian Florescu is a teenage boy living in Communist Romania. He lives with his mother, father, sister, and grandfather. During this time in Romania, the government, run by Nicolae Ceaușescu, has completely taken over the entire country, and made the living conditions horrible. Additionally, spies of all ages, helping the government spot out revolutionaries, are littered throughout the public. When Christian is recruited to become a spy, he attempts to take advantage of his position and topple the government from the inside out. Along the way, he faces problems, betrayals, and experiences that can cause scars for life.
This novel was incredible. It started with action, and that action continued on throughout the book. Septys included a mix of mystery and emotion, to show Christians feelings in different environments in the novel. She has also mastered the art of leaving chapters on cliffhangers. I could not stop reading this novel, just to figure out what happened next. I would definitely recommend this novel to people who love action, mystery, and perspective from the past. I give this book 5 stars without giving it a second thought.