If I Was Your Girl

Meredith Russo
Feb 19, 2016

This is the story of Amanda and how she overcomes her past and embraces her new life, learning to live with her father, and making new friends. Amanda has a complicated past that she struggles with and does not want people to know about. There are flashbacks, sprinkled throughout the book, which feature Andrew and his battle with everyday life. Andrew and Amanda are connected in ways that most would not understand, as they are the same person only in different versions. Andrew’s life was not easy and neither will Amanda’s be as she navigates life as a transgendered woman searching to find herself in this world.

This book shows the raw emotion of being a transgendered teen as she learns to open herself up to new people, places, and friendships. I recommend this book for anyone that is struggling with identity and gender roles.

Reviewed by Library Staff

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