I'll Give You the Sun, by Jandy Nelson, is a realistic fiction coming-of-age novel about two twins as
they experience life, with and without each other.
Jude and Noah were inseparable. Noah draws in isolation while Jude dresses up and goes out, but
they were always there for each other. Thee years in the future, however, they've fallen out of touch.
Their bond has been broken and Jude longs for a way to fix it. Jude and Noah's childhood is told
from Noah's point of view, while the current years are told from Jude's point of view. What Jude and
Noah don't realize, though, is they they only know half the story and, if they could come back to each
other, they could rewrite their story's ending.
I'll Give You the Sun is a must read. It's written perfectly, and the story is amazingly artistic and
symbolic. Unlike most books that switch perspectives, both point of views in I'll Give You the Sun are
equally compelling. The plot was one-of-a-kind and was not at all cliche: it stayed away from the
tropes that comprise most young adult novels. Despite not being extremely relatable, the book
keeps the reader invested and eager to turn the page. I'll Give You the Sun will leave it's readers
waiting for more.