The Inheritance Games, by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, starts with the death of Tobias Hawthorne, a
billionaire who leaves his entire fortune to a random girl named Avery Grambs. Avery has never
met Tobias but suddenly has to solve the riddles in his house in order to receive her inheritance.
She also has to deal with the Hawthorne family, who was snubbed in the will and want their
money back. This family includes the four Hawthorne sons, who were also given puzzles to
solve. Avery not only has to solve the mysteries left by Tobias Hawthorne but the mysteries of
the Hawthorne family themselves. The Inheritance Games immediately reminded me of Knives
Out but put its own twist on a similar idea. This book is filled with mysteries, and Avery’s
relationships with the Hawthorne boys are interesting. Some of this book is predictable, and a
few of the side characters felt bland, but it didn’t detract from this mysterious YA novel. The
Inheritance Games is well worth reading.