This mystery thriller, Ink and Ashes by Valynne E. Maetani, follows the story of a girl named Claire Takata, who lives in a family of four with her mom, stepdad, and two brothers. On the anniversary of her dads death, Claire finds a letter from her deceased father that was written to her now stepdad. Turns out, Claire's father is a part of a Japanese crime syndicate. Her new discovery opens up many previously closed doors, with secret agents coming at her left and right.
In my personal opinion, I thought the book was sequenced very well, which made it very interesting to read. The mystery portion of the book was suspenseful enough to make me wonder more and continue on with the book. One of the most interesting portions to read was the odd messages Claire would receive from the crime syndicate her father was a part of. The author did an extremely good job of keeping me on my seat reading. Overall, I give this book five out of five stars since it is a light read while also being filled with thrill.