Iron Gold

Iron Gold by Pierce Brown
Pierce Brown
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 30, 2022

Iron Gold is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown which follows the first

trilogy with a sequel trilogy. Following multiple perspectives we see an ex-soldier name Ephriam

broken by grief and is forced to steal the most valuable thing in the galaxy or pay with his life.

Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile to the Sovereign, wanders the stars with his mentor,

Cassius, haunted by the loss of the world that Darrow transformed, and dreaming of what will

rise from its ashes. Lyra, a red woman who is still oppressed by the world even after Darrow

destroys the old society as she tries to survive and protect her friends and family. Finally,

Darrow, a war veteran who is torn between family and chasing after the Ash Lord and finishing

the last remnants of the Gold Society.

This book is massive as we finally get away from Darrow’s perspective. This makes the scale of

the world bigger as we have a true feel of how the new generation of Society works. Character

are torn apart and rebellion to destroy everything Darrow and Mustang have created really

challenge the themes in the first sequel and whether it is truly worth it in the end to break

oppression and continue fighting regardless of the consequences. I found it intriguing to see all

these characters being fleshed out, especially Darrow and his flaw of being obsessed with

destroying every last bit of High Society even at the cost of his whole life. I wouldn’t give this

book a perfect score because the multiple characters sometimes can be double edged sword as

if the reader doesn’t care about certain characters their enjoyment is dulled due to having to

slog through a certain chapter with that point of view. Regardless I think Pierce Brown is great

writer who made another great book.


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