It Looks Like Us

It Looks Like Us by Alison Ames
Alison Ames
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 5, 2023

It Looks Like Us by Alison Ames is a modern retelling of the horror

classic, The Thing, yet it still manages to feel as fresh and biting as

its predecessors. The story, similar to the 1982 film, takes place in the

Antarctic and is centered around a research team who come in contact with

a shapeshifting, otherworldly monster. A group consisting of five

teenagers and two research guides was sent there to research climate

change, but a week later, the facility is in flames and two police

officers are taking the testimony of Riley Kowalski, a severely

traumatized teenager who survived the nightmares of the expedition. The

book balances between two timelines as Riley tells the police officers of

what she witnessed and overcame inside the research compound.

One of the key strengths that It Looks Like Us possesses is its

protagonist, Riley Kowalski. A heroine that resembles past iconic “final

girls” such as Ellen Ripley of Alien or Laurie Strode of Halloween fame,

Riley is a compelling narrator with a clear progression throughout the

book. She and the other side characters are a main aspect of what make

this book such an emotional and captivating experience, as well as the

writing itself, which creates a claustrophobic, tense portrayal of the

events that play out in the frozen tundra.

However, I think a main stumble

of the book is the lack of mystery in the creature itself. A clear

component of what makes the 1982 film and related works so memorable is

the element of suspense surrounding who the creature is imitating, but

instead, It Looks Like Us brushes the mystery of who might be infected

aside and never attempts to enhance the tension by creating unease between

the survivors, which I think would have added another element to this

already strong book. When I first began reading this book, I was concerned

that it would be a shot-by-shot rehashing of previous versions of the same

story, but was pleasantly surprised by additions that added new surprises

to the narrative. One of these welcome additions was the added character

of Anton Rusk, a tech billionaire who funded the trip to the Antarctic, as

he played off the plot in a new and intriguing way. Overall, I think this

book is a solid four-star read, and I would also recommend watching Jon

Carpenter’s The Thing to fans of this book.


Written by
Alice Summers

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