It Starts With Us

It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 3, 2023

A new beginning for Lily but an abusive past life that is still unforgettable is an accurate

representation of this book. I highly recommend reading It Ends with Us before starting the sequel,

A.K.A. this book. To summarize briefly, Lily, now a single mom, struggles to balance her new life

with the one she had with Ryle. However, her childhood lover, Atlas, reappears in her life and pays

back the indebted love that Lily once showed him. Through a series of events that Lily navigates

through to protect her daughter, maintain peaceful relationships, and allow herself to love someone

else again, this novel is eye-opening. I think it particularly highlights the scarring domestic abuse can

have on one’s life, and although there were not many violent scenes in this book, I think Colleen

Hoover mainly focused on how a person can still grow and learn to love someone again. In addition,

Hoover portrays the struggles of a single mom and how proper support is imperative. More

importantly, she describes how a woman should be treated by a man and the respect needed between

them. I believe this novel was necessary to portray Lily’s life after some traumatic experiences. Still,

also I appreciate how Hoover incorporated more of Atlas’ life into this book and how it affected both

Lily's and Atlas’ lives. Overall, this was a quick and quite “chill” read. I would rate this book a 4.3/5


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