Kids Like Us

Kids Like Us by Hilary Reyl
Hilary Reyl
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 2, 2023

Martin Dubois, a teenage boy who has autism, travels to France during the summer for his

mother’s new movie production. His sister, Elizabeth, accompanies him and helps him through

the first few days of summer school. Martin has never been in a “normal” school environment,

so it’s tricky for him to deal with so many different students. Martin believes that the book,

Search, is a story of his life from the main character’s point of view. So when he meets a girl

similar to a character in Search, he is immediately eager to connect with her. Will Martin be able

to find the courage to talk to this girl?

My rating of this book is 3/5. I like the concept of the book, but I do think it could have been

delivered a little more dramatically. I also like how the book travels through an experience of

autism, clearly focusing on how Martin reacts to certain circumstances. Overall, this is a great

book for students in 7th - 10th grade.


Written by
Leena D.

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