A must-read for any history fans, Killing the SS by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard shows the hunt to find the worst war criminals in the world and the race against time to bring them to justice. Dugard and O’Reilly bring you back to the end of WWII, following the stories of multiple “Nazi Hunters” who devoted their lives to catching these immoral individuals.
The Nazis, after losing the war, go into hiding with the knowledge that they will be put to death if they are caught. The book follows the stories of 4 of the most influential Nazis, who have each been directly involved in the deaths of millions of Jewish people, and the hunt to catch them.
This book’s style of writing and the way that it paints the story of these people makes the book extremely engaging and fun to read. This goes for all of the books in the “Killing” series. I would recommend this book to almost anyone, but some of the incidents described maybe be too graphic for younger readers. The only gripe that I have of this book that would prevent it from a 5 is that at times, the author blurs the line between fact and fiction. The author describes the feelings of the antagonists, which obviously could have never been known. This makes for a better story in general, but at times it is hard to distinguish what was recorded fact and what the author is interpreting in order to make the story more exciting.