The Lies of Locke Lamora

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Scott Lynch
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 30, 2022

The Lies of Locke Lamora is unique and amazing fantasy novel by Scott Lynch. It follows Locke,

a con man, who steals money from the rich with his gang of thieves, the Gentlemen Bastards.

The story has two timelines, one following Locke in the present, and one in the past when Locke

was just a mere boy. As Locke gives his cut to his boss Capa Barsavi while not telling how much

money he really makes as the Thorn of Cammor, Lock’s life turns upside down when a Gray

King starts killing Barsavi’s men and a war breaks out with Locke right in the middle.

This book starts off slow as we’re thrown right into a con as Locke, Jean and their comrades

trick and con the rich for plenty of money. They take huge risks and reap huge rewards thanks

to the experience of the Gentlemen Bastards and Locke’s intelligence. The dialogue between

character is brilliant and extremely natural. Moreover, this book has magic but the main

characters don’t! This means that people with magic are huge threats to the main characters as

the book progresses unpredictably and amazingly once the Gray King shows up as Locke and

his crew fight for their lives. I love the villain and how smart every character’s schemes are.

Finally, the book pays off its set up very well as Locke Lamora goes up against all the big

players of Cammor. This book is a whole lot of fun and I’ve never seen anything like it.


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