Life of Pi

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Yann Martel
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 14, 2024

Life of Pi is a rollercoaster of a book that details the story of a young boy Pi who becomes stranded after his ship sinks into the Pacific Ocean. With no company but zoo animals, Pi must find a way to survive all the obstacles the ocean throws him & must find faith in what may seem like a completely hopeless circumstance.

I really enjoyed reading this book as it was very exciting & made me want to continue reading it for hours. I really liked all of the very detailed imagery as they really just helped the story come to life and made me understand Pi’s experiences more. I also really liked the author’s writing style as it added more emotion & feeling to the events in the novel. Along with this, I also found all of the symbolism and themes present in the book to be super interesting as they brought up subtle points surrounding controversial topics about religion, faith, & morality. In my opinion it was a bit slow (and kind of repetitive) in the middle of the book, but I thought that the ending completely made up for that. I would recommend this to people who enjoy survivalist themes (like the movie Cast Away or the book Robinson Crusoe). I would also recommend this to people who would just like to read an exciting book that really does make you think. I thought it’s definitely a worthwhile read, but not a book that I would read again. That being said, I will be watching the movie!

Written by
Basil Park

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