
Lightlark by Alex Aster
Alex Aster
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 21, 2023

Every one hundred years, an island appears and the six rulers of the different races race

to defeat the curse which has devastated their kingdoms for centuries. It is Wildling ruler Isla’s

first Centennial, as well as the first time she is allowed out of her protective cage by her

guardians who have been training her for this moment her entire life. However, she harbors a

dangerous secret and a plan far from what her advisors have recommended. But surrounded by

lies and liars and love and danger, no one, least of all Isla, can predict what will happen by the

end of this realm-destroying contest.

I thought this book was somewhat enjoyable just to pass the time and it fulfilled my

desired purpose of getting through several flights and layovers this past weekend. However, it

felt like a lot of the plot twists and solutions to problems in the story were pulled out of nowhere

with no foreshadowing. I also found some of the worldbuilding and background in the story to be

confusing. To me, it didn’t seem like the author fully planned out everything to ensure that it all

made sense. The romance also felt rather forced and a little odd given that the two major love

interests were centuries older than the main character. I won’t be reading the next installment,

but I would still recommend that someone read this if they’re struggling to find anything else,

have a lot of spare time and really enjoy YA fantasy. I would give it two out of five stars.


Written by
Mariam S.

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