Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a classic book with an interesting view of human nature. The story revolves around a group of British boys whose plane crashed and are stranded on a deserted island. These boys try to form their society in which one of the main characters, Ralph, is elected leader and rules using a set of rules and order. However, soon some boys become obsessed with power and hunting, leading them into savagery. This only becomes worse when a rumor of a mysterious beast causes tension among the boys.
Overall, I’d give this book a 5 out of 5 because it is a classic novel that still applies to this day. Despite being nearly 50 years old, the depiction of human nature is flawless. In the book, Golding depicts humans as savage and evil, and he shows how easily civilization can collapse into savagery. This is why I absolutely love this book as it shows how easily people can change. I also love the fact that a bunch of little boys are stranded on an island and have to survive on their own, which is something that all boys would’ve dreamt of as kids. The characters in this book are amazing too. Throughout the book, there are many different characters with whom we bond and get to know better. Overall this book is a sure 5 out of 5 due to its story, moral, and the characters who all play an important role in this book. I absolutely love it and I highly recommend that you read it too!