Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 19, 2021

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead is a thrilling and funny fiction novel by Rick Riordan. This book is about a guy named Magnus Chase.  He and his friends travel across the nine worlds in search of a way for them to defeat Loki and return him to his chains and delay Ragnarok at the same time. I love the way the author makes the most serious moments really funny and exciting. The sarcasm in this book is so funny and original, I couldn’t stop laughing! I recommend this book to anyone who wants a good laugh with adventure and fighting mixed in. That is why I rate Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead a 5/5.

Written by
Shreya A.

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