
Matched by Ally Condie
Ally Condie
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 10, 2022

Cassia is a 17 year old who lives in a society where she can’t make any decisions on

her own. She has known how her life will play out since she was a young girl. At 17 she

would be told who she would marry at age 21. Soon after that she will be told what

job she has been selected for. She will die on her 80th birthday. This is how everyone

lives their lives and no one questions it, until there is a mistake. Cassia is matched

with Xander, her friend that lives nearby, which is already happens very little. Cassia

is also matched with Ky, another childhood friend, but she is told that this is a

mistake and she will be with Xander. Cassia gets to know Ky, and she starts to get the

feeling that them being matched wasn’t a bad mistake. Cassia must follow her heart

even if it means not following the rules.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I had heard people had mixed feelings about

Matched, but I felt it was a good dystopian romance. It’s not my new favorite book

but it is one that I will remember alongside other dystopian books. I would

recommend this book to someone who is looking for a dystopian series that has

quite a few plot twists. Overall, I liked this book and I’m looking forward to reading the

next two books in the series.


Written by
Anna S.

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