Max & the Midknights: The Tower of Time

Max & the Midknights: The Tower of Time by Lincoln Pierce
Lincoln Pierce
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 24, 2022

Max is a young girl who is a knight-in-training, and is part of a group of adventurers known

as the Midknights. She has just learned that she has a twin sister, named Mary, and wants to

become reunited with her and learn more about their past. However, Mary is on the run for the

many crimes that she has commited, and can be nowhere to be find. In order to find her sister and

learn more about her past, Max must go on a journey with the Midknights to find Mary and travel

to The Tower of Time in order to learn both her and Mary’s past and what happened to their parents!

This book is my favorite one out of all the books in the Max & the Midknight series. I have

always enjoyed these books ever since the first one came out in 2019. This book is filled with an

even greater story, more new characters, and much humor! I really enjoy this book because it

answered many questions about Max’s past and what happened to both her twin sister and her

parents! I would recommend this book to any reader who wants to read a story about adventure,

action, mystery, and humor!


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