Me Before You

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Jojo Moyes
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 2, 2024

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is a poignant romance novel that explores the transformative relationship between Louisa Clark, a quirky and small-town woman, and Will Traynor, a wealthy and successful man who becomes a quadriplegic after a motorcycle accident. Louisa, hired as Will's caregiver, initially struggles with his bitterness and desire to end his life through assisted suicide. As she strives to bring joy back into Will's life, they form an unexpected bond that challenges their views on love, life, and personal freedom. The story dives into themes of caregiving, the ethical complexities of life’s struggles, and the profound impact of human connection. 

The most compelling aspect of Me Before You is undeniably the intricate and emotionally charged relationship between Louisa Clark and Will Traynor. Moyes crafts their connection so that you can’t help but get deeply invested in their journey. Watching Louisa break through Will's tough exterior to uncover his true self is heartwarming. I didn’t really like the pacing and also Louisa’s family was focused on a lot, straying you away from the main story. I’d recommend this book to anyone who enjoys deeply emotional, character-driven stories. It's perfect for readers who appreciate romance with a serious undertone and a book that makes you think about complex life issues.

Written by
Mahad Zamir

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