Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur is a beautiful collection of poetry that helps people understand the different stages of pain, love, hurt, and healing. The book is separated into four sections, healing a different heartache in itself from the heartache of a parent's love fading to the realization of having to find love in yourself.
This book is a journey of finding the sweetness in bitter-sweet moments. Letting the readers discover that there is sweetness in every part of your life. This book is in simple words; a work of art. Not only can the readers see the healing in the author as she writes these poems but in the writing you find the connection to your own life, letting the writing heal you but also connect with you on a deeper level. This book is really moving and almost helps in the ways of guidance. I would recommend this book to anyone because I feel like as time passes it will become a book that is mentioned in schools or used for those learning how to develop their poetry skills while this book is a
collection of words, it really is a collection of being a human, and all the feelings that play into that. I give this book 5/5 stars as it’s so humbly moving but also a book that makes you see the world differently and changes the way you see the world around you. It really does teach you how to develop the pain into flowers and let them grow kindness through you again.