Cordelia Mai Yin and four other women with the middle name “Mai” find an apartment with the help of a mysterious man. As a second generation Vietnamese immigrant in 1959 Los Angeles, Cordi struggles to find a job and earn enough money to live off. So when the man who helped the Mais, as the roommates dub themselves, offers them a way to make all their dreams come true through magic, they jump on the chance. But, “nothing good comes for free" (pg. 69) and as the Mais dreams and wishes come true, so does the price they must pay for them. Meaning, the Mais must find a way to break the spell before the magic overtakes them.
The idea behind this book definitely has strong foundation to build a story upon. However, I found that the pacing could have been structured better. I wanted there to be more focus on the main conflict within the story. The writing was excellent in the aspect that the characters were very well developed and seemed very relatable and life-like.