This book is all about what it means to truly be a Christian and live a Christian lifestyle. It focuses on three different principles: be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. The book is broken down into these three parts and through both real world and biblical examples tries to explain and show what life as a Christian should look like. The book focuses on discipleship and what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus following his ways and practicing life as he did.
I would give this movie 5 out of 5 stars for a couple of reasons. John Mark Comer did an outstanding job framing this book and positioning it so that all people of the faith could understand and take something out of it. It is super applicable to life and has a lot of good lessons and skills for Christians on how to truly live life. I would recommend this book to all people. I think it has a lot of amazing messages and I enjoy how the book was split up into smaller headings within the three main sections. This should be on your reading list.