Project Hail Mary is the story of Ryland Grace, a middle school science teacher and the sole survivor on a last chance mission to save the earth. Told from his perspective, Ryland struggles to remember how he ended up on a spaceship million of miles from earth and what he is there to solve. His crewmates are dead, his ship is faulty and he has to stop an extinction level threat from decimating the earth. This book includes fantastic scientific research and detailed descriptions of unique interstellar scenarios and impossibilities. From the author who wrote The Martian, Project Hail Mary is the tale of survival, scientific miracles and unlikely (sometimes musical) friends.
This is my favorite science fiction book of all time. The depth of research and scientific accuracy Andy Weir includes in this book is mind blowing, and it's a sought after read for anyone interested in space, biology or STEM. The characters are hilarious, and the story flows from joy to despair flawlessly. I rated this book 5 stars for its original story line, enthralling plot and amazing action.