Projekt 1065, a historical fiction, written by Alan Gratz, tells the story of Michael O’Shaunessey during World War II. His father is the Irish ambassador for Germany. However, even though they are neutral, they are secretly a spy for the Allies. He is part of the Hitler youth, which essentially is training to become a Nazi soldier. He also meets Fritz and discovers that his house contained highly classified documents of a new plane that could be hugely beneficial for the allies. By using photographic memory, he sketches the plane and turns it into the Allies. To add on, he also has to try and stop the assassination of these crucial scientists who were developing the atomic bomb. He successfully does this and is highly praised for his acts of honor and is awarded. Facing all of these challenges ranging from bomb attacks to hiding an American pilot in the heart of Germany displays the intensity of this story.
This was also another book that you could not put down until you had finished the entire novel. It just kept me wanting for more and was super thrilling through all of the things that Michael has to do both in the Hitler Youth and being a spy. This is also another one of my top historical fiction books and I would recommend anyone who likes this genre to give it a try.