Radio Silence

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Alice Oseman
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 14, 2022

Radio Silence, by Alice Oseman, is a young adult novel set in the same universe as most of Oseman's other books. Frances has a plan for her life. She will go to university to study English, even though she'd prefer to do art. In fact, she'd prefer not to go to university at all. Frances enjoys listening to a science-fiction podcast, Radio Silence, and, against all odds, discovers that she knows the creator of the podcast, Aled Last. Together, she and Aled become friends and navigate their new relationship while struggling with discovering what they want to do after high school.

Radio Silence's message is on that most teenagers will relate to. The friendship between Frances and Aled is organic and natural, and doesn't gloss over the fact that friendship has its ups and downs. The plot is fast-paced and, similar to Oseman's other books, doesn't waste time with unnecessary information. However, the book itself is not particularly spectacular. The writing is simple and the plot can seem to be weak because of the simple style of the novel. The characters, on the other hand, are relatable and easy to understand. In my opinion, they are the highlight of the book. The characters act their age and are accurate depictions of today's teens, as well as being diverse and representative.

Written by
Rhea S.

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