Rain Reign

Rain Reign
Ann M. Martin
Nov 9, 2023

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin is a heartfelt novel that revolves around a young girl named Rose Howard who has Asperger's syndrome. Rose finds solace and order in her life through rules and prime numbers. When her beloved dog Rain goes missing during a storm, Rose's world is turned upside down. The novel beautifully explores themes of love, loss, and the unique perspective of someone with Asperger's. As Rose embarks on a journey to find Rain, it took me on an emotional rollercoaster, witnessing the strength of Rose's character and the impact of her unconditional love for her furry companion. 

One of the most compelling aspects of Rain Reign was the authentic portrayal of the protagonist, Rose, and her unique perspective as someone with Asperger's syndrome. Ann M. Martin did a fantastic job of capturing Rose's voice and bringing her world to life, allowing me to empathize with her challenges and victories. The deep bond between Rose and her dog Rain also struck a chord, adding an emotional layer that  resonated throughout the narrative. I wasn't disappointed at any point. Instead, I found the book to be consistently engaging. The story's simplicity was its strength, allowing the characters and their relationships to take center stage. I would recommend Rain Reign to anyone who appreciates heartfelt stories about the human connection, especially those interested in gaining insight into the experiences of individuals with conditions like Asperger's and what it can do to you. The book's storytelling makes it suitable for a wide range of readers, from young adults to adults looking for a touching book. 

Written by
Mahad Zamir

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