Ready Player One

Ready Player One book cover
Ernest Cline
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 6, 2024

Wade Watts is an 18-year-old boy in a futuristic society where most people live in a technological virtual reality world called the “OASIS.” This society was put together by a man named James Halliday, but when he dies, he leaves his fortune in the hands of any person able to “find the easter egg”. In order to find this easter egg, the user must find three keys. Wade Watts becomes the first person to find the first key after putting all his time and effort into learning everything about the virtual world. Then, a corporation called IOI becomes infatuated with finding Halliday’s fortune before every other person in the world. This turns into a race to the egg where Wade Watts and friends he made along the way attempt to beat IOI who intends to corrupt the world. This race begins to affect the real world as virtual, and reality become blended in a fight for the finish.

I loved this book. I want to reread this soon because it was so good. This book connected adventure and plot so well. Many books begin to feel overpowered with adventure, but this book doesn’t feel too focused on the action. The book explores topics such as coming of age, romance, and of course action which keeps the reader interested and engaged. The beginning felt a bit slow when I was reading it, but after getting through the first third of the book, which was mainly backstory, I felt addicted to the story. There is also a motion picture which is based off the book, and it does an okay job conveying the story, but cutting out many main parts which left me disappointed. Overall, this book is an amazing read for action and adventure loving teenagers, and I recommend it to everyone! Rating: five out of five.

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