Summary: Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a dystopian science fiction novel set on Mars in a hierarchical society divided by colors, each representing a different caste. The story follows Darrow, a young "Red" miner who discovers that his people have been subjugated by the ruling "Gold" class. After a personal tragedy, he undergoes surgery and training to infiltrate the Golds and bring about a revolution from within. As he rises through their ranks, he faces challenges, deceit, and brutality while navigating political intrigue, combat trials, and alliances. Darrow's journey explores themes of class struggle, identity, power, and the price of ambition in a thrilling and action-packed narrative.
Opinion: The most compelling aspect for me was the sheer intensity of the story. From the very start, I was hooked by the vividly crafted world of the Colors and their brutal hierarchy. Darrow's transformation from a simple miner to an infiltrator among the elite Golds was a very good concept. The author's ability to depict complex characters and their moral dilemmas against a backdrop of political intrigue and warfare was also very compelling. I was not disappointed at all with this book. It sort of reminded me of The Hunger Games and it made it even more interesting. The book also explored the darker sides of humanity, showcasing the lengths people will go to in the pursuit of power and survival. There were lots of emotional scenes too that were portrayed well. I would recommend this book to you if you're a fan of world-building, strategic plotting, and characters that evolve through tears and blood, you should read Red Rising. I give this book a 5/5.