Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Leigh Bardugo
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 10, 2022

Mal and Alina are orphans who grow up in military service. They are great

friends but then a military conflict happens and Alina is drafted by a

mysterious figure called the Darkling to be a Grisha. Alina is learning what

it means to be a Grisha while the Darkling takes a special interest in her

because she has the powers of a sun summoner which have been gone for

centuries. She has to run from the palace though when Baghra reveals the

Darkling’s true colors and reveals that he intends to bind Alina with a

Morozova amplifier. The Darkling starts chasing Alina who found her friend

Mal along the way and the book ends with the Darkling catching Alina and

binding her to the amplifier. The Darkling now has total control over her


I really enjoyed this book because there is really good character

development with Alina and the attachment between the Darkling and Alina

is a great addition to the story because it makes the story deeper when

Alina finds out the Darkling’s true intentions. This is shown especially well

as Alina struggles between Mal and the Darkling with emotional conflict.

Written by
Nischay R.

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