The book Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is a memoir by the great Phil Knight, in which he describes his journey as an aspiring businessman who wishes to fulfill his “Crazy Dream” of starting his own startup footwear company. Shoe Dog depicts the uncertainty in the business world, which is shown in this memoir through the adversity and triumphs in his creation of Nike. To this day, and like many others, I have always thought of Nike as the go to brand, or a symbol of wealth, but through the views of this enthralling story Nike is more than that, but I won’t spoil why.
I would recommend this to readers who are avid about business life. A proper age group would be teens and adults. To conclude my review of Shoe Dog I give it a rating of 5 out of 5 because of the courageousness of his heart in this memoir, like he once said, “When you see only problems, you’re not seeing clearly.”