Lennie’s’ sister is dead. Unsure of what to do in a world without her sister the The Sky is Everywhere explores Lennie’s grief and relationships that form through her grief. There’s Toby who was her sisters’ boyfriend and seems to understand how she’s feeling. Despite knowing it’s wrong she finds herself drawn to him and can’t stop finding her way back to him. The encompasses her with total guilt. Then there’s Joe. Joe is magical, he makes her feel like a new person and she feels brighter around him. Joe is helping her by not leaving her alone and making sure she can’t isolate herself. Divided between the two boys Lennie explores her grief and how to live in a world without the safety of her sister.
While the book has a love aspect the grief it explores and how people act after a loved one’s death is the star of the book. I gave this book 5 stars because it made me rethink some part of life. Jandy Nelson’s writing makes me evaluate my own sibling relationship and the world around me. The way there’s a love triangle but the book is about Lennie’s grief is done so well. I truly cried for a good amount of time after reading and not many books can make me do that. There were multiple moments where I had to stop and pause because something so beautiful or mind altering was said. If you need a good sad read this is the perfect book.