In Some Other Life

In Some Other Life by Jessica Brody
Jessica Brody
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 26, 2022

In Some Other Life by Jessica Brody, is a book about a girl named Kennedy Rhodes,

who really regrets a decision she made 3 years ago that was supposed to change her life. Just

when Kennedy felt like nothing could cheer her up, she gets pulled into a different world that

reverses that decision. Now, in a prestigious private school, Kennedy can see what her life

could have been like if she would have made, what she assumes, is the right decision long ago.

But what Kennedy doesn’t expect, is her wanting to get out of this world and go back to the

world she lived in before. Maybe she did make the right decision the first time, but can she be

able to fix it and go back to her life before she entered this world?

I thought this book was very well written. I really liked this book and was not

disappointed in any part of it because it all went in a great flow. This book was funny and very

enjoyable to read. I would recommend this book to teens who like fiction books that uncover

plots you didn’t even know were coming. I would rate this book a 5/5.


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