Spy School Revolution

Spy School Revolution by Stuart Gibbs
Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 7, 2022

Spy School Revolution by Stuart Gibbs. Genre: Fiction

Read previous books in the Spy School series before reading this review.

The book begins after the defeat of SPYDER when Ben and his friends feel like they can

finally live in peace. However, a CIA conference room next to the academy is blown up and

Erica Hale, one of Ben’s closest friends, is revealed to be the bomber. A new organization,

Croatoan, claims responsibility for the attack and Ben now begins a new fight against the new

evil group. Ben knows Erica would not defect, so he sets out to prove that she was forced to

carry out the attack. He travels around the country searching for encrypted clues about the

strange organization. However, he does not know who to trust as any of his friends may have

defected to the new organization. As Ben learns more about the evil organization, Murray Hill,

his archnemesis, returns with a new twist. As Ben races to save Erica, the new organization

continues to plot against Ben in an action-packed novel.

I thought this book was a good part of the series, but it wasn’t as good as the prequels.

There was not a clear resolution to the conflict in the end and it did not have the usual Spy School

flair the previous novels had with the introduction of the new villain. I would recommend this

book to anyone who has read previous novels and enjoyed them.

Cover: I thought the cover was interesting and represented the new challenge that Ben

and his friends would face in the novel.

Rating 4/5

Written by
Paranjay S.

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