This is a review about “Steve Jobs,” a biography about the late Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. And before I go on, I would like to point out that I’m currently typing this on a MacBook, and I will soon be waiting for the mail that this review has been confirmed on my iPhone, and then I’ll be listening to music on my Air Pods while my brother is playing games with our iPad. All these products that I’ve just mentioned are some of the most famous and innovative products of the 21st century, and they all show how important Steve Jobs was to the world. “Steve Jobs” covers the multi-faceted personality of Steven Paul Jobs, one of the founders of Apple. The book covers everything from the early childhood of Jobs to the journey he went through to bring Apple back from irrelevancy. The book doesn’t paint him as a hero or a villain, but simply shows who he was as a person. This biography is iGreat!