Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog

Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog book cover
Tom Watson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 26, 2024

Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog is the second book of the Stick Dog book series. In this, the five dogs start off relaxing on a hot summer day near a river. Then, they hear a tingling bell, the origin of which each dog guesses. One dog suspect that it is a flying cuckoo clock controlled by a cuckoo bird. They investigate, and it turns out to be a frankfurter (hot dog) truck. They are extremely hungry as dogs always are, and devise plans to steal some hot dogs. But they have competition: a mysterious creature roaming in the trees also eyes the truck and is trying to steal the food. Once the dogs settle on an idea, Karen suddenly gets kidnapped and taken inside a house. Will all be lost, or will the dogs, with Stick Dog’s mind expertise, rescue Karen and get the hot dogs before the mysterious furry creature does? 

This book, just like the first, was extremely amusing. It is always fun to read about each ridiculous idea that everyone seems to somehow like. However, at one point the dogs read a sign that made the story less realistic since dogs shouldn’t be able to understand English, especially since they are strays. The author then justifies to the reader to just go along with it, which I didn’t agree with completely. I would’ve preferred a short backstory to how the dogs learned to read. But I liked how at the end of the book the dogs finally decided to go for an idea that wasn’t just Stick Dog’s, which finally succeeded after 10 minutes of struggle. Because of all this, the story was really good and I give this book a four out of five.

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