They Called Us Enemy

They Called Us Enemy
George Takei
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 3, 2023

They Called Us Enemy, by the incredible George Takei, tells the story of the Japanese internment camps during World War two from the perspective of young George himself, who experienced it. This book shows the truth about the horrors many Japanese- Americans faced in America during World War II. From being forced to leave their homes and belongings behind, to living in stable cars that reek of manure, George tells the horrifying story of his childhood, and the war that overshadowed it all. It tells of the horrible decisions parents had to make to protect their families, and how they weighed on them years after the war was over. George then goes on to tell of his life after the camp, and his incredible journey. When he had grown used to the fences that once held him in, what was life like when not only were they no longer there, but people refused to believe they existed at all. 

Told in beautiful art, this graphic novel is a wonderful read that leaves the reader more educated about the faults of our country, while also telling a magnificent tale. The story was phenomenal and made all the sadder by the fact that it is a true story. You truly feel the injustice that he experienced and his anger for the government covering it up. The artwork manages to portray the youthful ignorance of George and his siblings while also showcasing the horrors around them. An incredible story showcasing the sometimes horrific reality, 5/5 stars.

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