Considering the rough and difficult aspects of being involved in the war, the fictional work The Things They Carried. The main character is pulled into the Vietnam War and reflects on the war journey and life before it in a unique writing by Tim O’Brien. The Things They Carried was written by Tim O'Brien to indicate how running away from problems does not solve them. He chooses specific words in the novel to bring in a different environment from what would just be considered "normal." The purpose of creating this tone or environment might be for O'Brien to present the same or similar feeling or experience that he perceived when writing it to the audience. It adheres to giving small details in sentences to give the emotions a bigger depth, especially in traumatic scenes written in the book. The sentences on average are medium-sized, with the paragraphs generally being longer than usual. The structure of the paragraphs is very well built, with proper wording and other such things that make the story descriptive and informative, also still very captivating (Ex: "Until he was shot, Ted Lavender carried the starlight scope, which weighed 6.3 pounds with its aluminum case."). Recommended to teens, although some gruesome details are present in the novel. Five out of Five.