It’s New York City in the year of 2119 and, while there are many skyscrapers, the Tower dominates them all, offering over a thousand floors. Despite the shiny glamor of the city, Leda wants to put everything away into her past because of what happened in Dubai, but when a new investigation from the police department opens up old wounds, she’s forced to seek help from the person she’s been trying to forget the most. Rylin returns to her old life, away from the upper floor. But when she begins to see her old boyfriend again, she is once again torn between two worlds. Watt is still reeling from what happened in Dubai but is certain of one thing: that he is in love with Leda and will do anything for her. After arriving in New York, Calliope can’t hide the feeling of being trapped in a long con that might cost much more than she thought. And the girl from the thousandth floor, Avery, has finally returned home from England with a new boyfriend in tow. Despite her life being absolutely perfect, she still can’t hide the feeling that she doesn’t want to be perfect anymore.
Wow, wow, wow. I can’t even think of what to say. This series was amazing. It’s sad that not a lot of people have read it, but I found it absolutely fascinating to read. I loved the evolution of Avery’s character, from having the most perfect life and then losing it all because of one single mistake. Leda and Watt’s relationship developed perfectly in the novels, and I loved their good ending. I also still love Calliope and am glad that she was able to finally get the good ending that she deserved as well, even if her stepsister and stepfather got on my nerves too many times to count. Rylin’s story was, as always, a whirlwind of emotions but I’m glad that she was able to figure it out in the end, even if I didn’t really agree with her ending… but all that aside, this was a perfect finale to the series that has and will continue to remain one of my favorites. Despite the weird romances here and there, I still love how everything was tied up altogether in the end.