Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson, is a young adult mystery thriller set in Ellingham Academy, a famously selective boarding school in Vermont. True crime obsessed Stevie Bell applies to the school for one reason: to solve the murder of Albert Ellingham’s wife and daughter, who were killed years ago when the school first opened. The killer, known as Truly Devious by the public, is supposed to be long gone. When her school is attacked by a new killer, it becomes apparent to Stevie that Ellingham Academy’s threat is alive and well, and it’s up to her to solve this mystery alongside the cold case that haunts her school.
The Pros: Truly Devious is truly unique from anything I’ve read before. Johnson writes in a way that is so relatable it’s comedic, and she’s not afraid to get real with her descriptions and her characters. Every character in this book genuinely felt real, and I truly enjoyed reading about them and discovering their thoughts.
The Cons: Truly Devious fell flat on the mystery/thriller aspect for me personally. At times, it felt like I was reading a realistic fiction novel rather than a murder mystery, which was a little disappointing. On top of that, the end of Truly Devious can make or break the book for a lot of people. For me, the ending was a bit of a let down because it followed a subplot I wasn’t particularly interested in. For that reason, I was left feeling a bit disappointed upon finishing it.
In conclusion, I gave Truly Devious three stars, and I recommend it to the people looking for a unique academic setting and a relatable, funny cast of characters. People who are looking to read this book should not go into it solely for the mystery, but rather for the atmosphere and the stories of the characters.