
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 12, 2022

Twilight is perhaps the quintessential YA romance novel, notorious for its movie

adaptation and public division over the love interests. Bella Swan has just left her big-city life in

Phoenix to join her father in the small forested town of Forks, Washington. Not even past the

first day of school, she begins to notice odd things - like the pale and beautiful but isolated

family that is the Cullens. Especially Edward Cullen - who seems completely infuriated and

disgusted by her for no apparent reason. But she feels strangely drawn to him, and after he

saves her life with inhuman strength and speed she can’t seem to keep away. Despite his

warnings, their lives become intertwined, bringing her unprecedented happiness as well as

terrible danger.

This book had a somewhat interesting story and was definitely a completely new thing at

the time it was released. However, now it feels like a poor imitation of other, better-written YA

romances. Some of the plot felt poorly thought out and nonsensical, and a lot of the dialogue

was awkward and odd. Regardless, I think it’s definitely worth a read, at least to know what

everyone’s referencing and to have a laugh at some of the weirder parts. I give it a two out of

five stars.

Written by
Mariam S.

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