The Twin

The Twin by Natasha Preston
Natasha Preston
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 26, 2022

The Twin by Natasha Preston is about a girl named Ivy who welcomes

her twin sister, Iris, after a fatal accident happening to their mother. Ivy

wasn’t exactly thrilled but was willing to share her life with Iris. But Iris

seems a bit obsessed with Ivy’s life. Almost wanting to take over her life.

Ivy tries to pretend she is just being paranoid but now everyone is under

Iris’s spell. Ivy must figure out what’s going on and what are Iris’s true


This book was a frightening tale because family is everything. Apparently

not with these twin sisters. I thought it would be interesting but in a way

was kind of sickening but it was a decent book. The plot twist was pretty

good and I would give 3/5 .


Written by
Teen Book Reviewer

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