Twisted Love

Twisted Love
Ana Huang
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Mar 17, 2023

Ava Chen seems to be an overly optimistic girl that's full of sunshine and rainbows, who

never stops seeing the good in people. But Ava’s childhood has been proven to be

severely traumatic which causes Ava’s brother to be very overprotective but when her

brother, Josh goes off to volunteer in Central America for a year he asks his best friend

Alec Volvok to move in next door to look after Ava. Which Ava tries desperately to deny

since she doesn't have the most positive feeling towards Alex. Alex also seems to have

a Traumatic past and he will stop at nothing for revenge. Alex and Ava can't help but fall

for each other and as they discover more about their childhoods they find secrets that

will change their lives forever. But as fiery hot betrayals rise and secrets locked away for

decades are uncovered can Alex and Ava’s love survive?

I thought that this book was decent in most areas. I was pleased with all the characters

and Alex and Ava definitely had chemistry. The reason I don't give this book five stars is

because I felt that the relationship department was a little rushed because, first the two

of them were having a fling and suddenly there boyfriend and girlfriend that kind of

made no sense to me. But other than that I thought that this book was a pleasant read.


Written by
Sahavi B.

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