Two Dark Reigns

Two Dark Reigns book cover
Kendare Blake
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Mar 12, 2025

“I suppose it does not feel the same without her . . . Some people leave too much space behind when they are gone.” 

The wait is over, and Katharine wears the crown. But does she really? More queens seem to be popping out of the woodworks, and she has the sneaking suspicion that her other two sisters continue living, and that they will return to take the throne. 

The third book in Blake’s Three Dark Crown Series, Two Dark Reigns continues the dark fantasy feeling of the previous two books. Blake has done a wonderful job of ensuring that the books aren’t too repetitive, an issue I feel always eventually becomes an issue in larger series, but she does it wonderfully. I managed to read the entire series within three days, and while it all blended together into one seamless narrative, I didn’t find myself feeling like it dragged too much. Though I will say I found the narrative regarding the Blue Queen less interesting than the ones from the previous books. Not that it was bad, just that of the series this was my least favorite. Still enjoyable though, the romance building was cute, and my favorite characters were still fun to read about. 4 out of 5 stars.

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