Two Twisted Crowns, by Rachel Gillig, is the sequel to One Dark Window, in which Elspeth and Ravyn’s journey to unite the deck of Providence Cards continues. However, in addition to these two perspectives, Gillig introduces Elm’s point of view, allowing the reader a glimpse at both sides of the story. Picking up off One Dark Window’s cliffhanger ending, Two Twisted Crowns continues with the gothic fantasy theme, engrossing its readers into Blunder’s familiar world of dark magic.
The Pros: It’s very difficult to create a sequel better than the original, and yet Gillig absolutely demolished One Dark Window with this book. Two Twisted Crowns is by far one of the best fantasy novels I have ever read, and adding Elm’s perspective only made the book even stronger. I was absolutely captivated by this book and enjoyed every second of it. In fact, when I reached the final page, I was absolutely devastated that the series I’d come to love so much was over.
The Cons: Again, I cannot think of any cons because this duology is one of my favorites of all time. I have nothing bad to say.
If you’re debating whether or not to continue this duology after reading One Dark Window, you absolutely must. Two Twisted Crowns would receive a six-star review from me, if possible, as it was genuinely so entertaining. Adding Elm’s perspective into this book truly made the whole duology, and it was so, so entertaining to read.