Visitations is the story of a family that has been torn apart by family disputes, mental illness and religion. It is haunting and sad, but also sheds a hopeful light on children's ability to recover and heal. The author is the main character in this book, and it was told from his life experience. The novel details the traumatic experiences and relationships Corey had to endure through his mother's mental illness and devotion to Mormonism. His mother becomes paranoid of his father, and believes God has told her to take the children away from him. Corey himself struggles with discovering the truth, his sexuality and religious beliefs.
It was truly a beautiful novel, with ethereal illustrations that convey intense emotion. The themes of this book are more mature, however I do think it was a story that needs to be heard. There are larger themes of abuse and religion, so if you are not interested in reading about that I would not read this book. Overall, this novel really touched me, and gave me a new perspective on religion and mental illness.