Cadence Sinclair comes from the seemingly perfect Sinclair family, who visit their private island, Beechwood Island, each summer. Together with her cousins Johnny and Mirren, plus family friend Gat, the four teens form a group self-proclaimed as “the liars”. The reader learns that the Sinclairs aren’t quite as perfect as they seem, with Cady’s mother and aunts obsessed with money and a grandfather obsessed with power, leading to multigenerational family drama that keeps the novel engaging and relatable to many readers. In addition to this, Cady suffered an accident during her fifteenth summer at the island that left her memories fragmented and her head spinning. As she spends her eighteenth summer at the island, Cady remains vulnerable and emotionally unstable, especially as she slowly discovers the secrets and lies surrounding the island. Eventually, Cady learns the dark truth about Beechwood Island and what truly happened during her accident. This book had me speechless at times, especially when the ending was revealed. I loved the way it was written, in a sort of fragmented style to mimic Cady’s scattered brain. The suspense was delivered perfectly and reading about the different generations and their issues kept me continuously interested.