Whale Done is the 8th addition to the series of FunJungle by Stuart Gibbs, where adventure meets animals, mystery, zoology, and even ecological themes, as well as enough tension to make it fun. This is a quick-paced adventure, which makes it very enjoyable to read. Something is always happening, and it's hard to see what's coming next. I love this book because not only does this book focus on Teddy and the mysteries, but also the characters and the book's depth in this universe is amazing! This book is an enjoyable read for anyone and I would highly recommend reading this rambunctious book! The book starts off with an escaped kangaroo who starts a fire that burns down Teddy’s house. Teddy Fitzroy then accepts an invitation to go to Malibu with his girlfriend, Summer, and her mother. Soon after they arrive, a massive dead whale has washed up on the beach, and before anyone can determine what killed it, it explodes. Doc, the head vet from FunJungle, believes something suspicious is coming about and asks Teddy and Summer to help him investigate. Then, Teddy stumbles upon yet another mystery involving tons of stolen sand. Will Teddy be able to uncover these unexpected mysteries?