Winds of Change

Winds of Change book cover
Erin Hunter
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 26, 2024

Winds of Change is a graphic novel, an extra that is part of the Warriors book series. This book explains the reason why Mudclaw, Deputy of Windclan, when everyone first reached the lake, tried to make himself the leader of Windclan after Tallstar died. It starts out with the Clans reaching the Lake, causing Tallstar, the leader of Windclan, who was getting old, to get tired. He died shortly afterward, and Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, said he was with him when he died. According to him, Tallstar said to make Onewhisker leader of Windclan, even though Mudclaw would’ve originally been the replacement. This makes Mudclaw angry since he doesn’t think Onewhisker is adequate for the job, and he thinks that Firestar lied just because he was friends with Onewhisker. After cats from within his clan and others convince him they set about to attack the leaders before Onewhisker becomes Onestar and gets his nine lives. Will Mudclaw succeed, or will Onewhisker be the new leader? 

This book was very interesting. This book was written so it could better explain Mudclaw’s motives, and it casts him in a better light than in the main Warriors series since we never heard his side of the story back then. This book explained the main things I was wondering about him. It connects the reader with Mudclaw and makes me feel bad for him, even as he tries to attack someone else, because of his real intentions to help Windclan be safe and stand out against the other clans. Because of all this, I give this book a five out of five.


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