In Without You, There Is No Us, Suki Kim shows us a world most would consider psychological warfare. Inside one of the most elite schools in Pyongyang, Suki Kim teaches English in a world of censorship from not only her Supervisors but also her peers. Suki finds herself bonding with her students which only makes being under the umbrella of the DPRKs watchful eye even more painful. This book gives you the suspense of a mystery and the fear of a horror book…except it’s not fiction. From hiding from the minders to showing her students Harry Potter Kim tells all about everyday life of North Korea's elite upcoming men.
If this book isn't a 5 it would be a 6. What makes Without You, There Is No Us so compelling is its natural emotion and ability to give you the suspense of a mystery and the heart stopping fear of a horror story. The vivid stories Kim shares will throw you into a world where you feel the mind games being played. This book inspired me to read more books and North Korea's day to day life for the elite society.