Wonder Woman 1984 was a spectacular movie with everything you would want to see in it. The movie is about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and every second is worth it to see these spectacular action scenes and thriller self v. self scenes. WW84 begins with fast-forwarding through Diana’s life up to 1984. Diana comes across an artifact that could make anyone’s wishes come true. She wished for Steve Trevor, the pilot who sacrificed his life in Wonder Woman, to come back to her but in doing so she created a weight on her powers. Now new enemies are appearing, and Diana does not have the strength to fight them. I had a fabulous time watching this movie and I cannot wait for the 3rd Wonder Woman movie to come out. This new movie is an amazing sequel to the previous movie because it has more action, amazing new iconic and infamous villains, and reveals an epic battle with Wonder Woman and her arch nemesis, Cheetah. I recommend this movie to fans of the first Wonder Woman and to fans of other DC movies throughout the DC multiverse because this movie almost brings the comic books story into this tremendous film.
Wonder Woman 1984
Oct 21, 2021