
Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 22, 2023

In the fictional novel Zombie, Joyce Carol Oates tells the story of a serial killer with a

very twisted obsession. The main character, who calls himself Q_ P_, is a seemingly average

thirty-one-year-old male from a well-to-do family that attends college; however, beneath the

surface, he is a convicted sex offender who dreams of possessing an utterly subservient dark,

strong man. To accomplish this dream, he spends the book experimenting with different

techniques on different men to acquire his perfect zombie. The book explores the dark desires

and hidden obsessions of even the most obscure person and the atrocities they would commit

to achieve them.

This novel, Zombie, is written in a diary style in which the main character confides to us

his thoughts, plans, and actions, leading to an unfiltered retelling of his actions and thoughts

that allow the reader to interpret their severity. For better or worse, the ideas of a twisted person

are incredibly vulgar and hard to decipher; however, this only aids in realism. I can’t think of any

problems with the book; only its innate luridness can be offputting, and I would imagine

preventing many from enjoying the story. Overall, I would have to give this book a four out of five

due to its difficult-to-stomach yet amazing narrative.

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